

Boonsaen, P., Kinjo, M., Sawanon, S., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Partial characterization of phylogeny, ecology and function of the fibrolytic bacterium Ruminococcus flavefaciens OS14, newly isolated from the rumen of swamp buffalo. Animal Science Journal, 89: 377-385. 2018.

Myint, H., Kishi, H., Iwahashi, Y., Saburi, W., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Functional modulation of caecal fermentation and microbiota in rat by feeding bean husk as a dietary fibre supplement. Beneficial Microbes, Beneficial Microbes, 9:963-974. 2018.

Nishihara K., Kato D., Suzuki Y., Kim D., Nakano M., Yajima Y., Haga S., Nakano M., Ishizaki H., Kawahara-Miki R., Kono T., Katoh K., Roh S. Comparative transcriptome analysis of rumen papillae in suckling and weaned Japanese Black calves using RNA sequencing. Journal Animal Science, 96: 2226-2237. 2018.

M. Nakano, Y. Suzuki, S. Haga, E. Yamauchi, D. Kim, K. Nishihara, T. Gotoh, K. Nakajima, S.J. Park, M. Baik, K. Katoh, S.G. Roh. Downregulated Angiopoietin-like Peptide 8 Production at Calving Related to Changes in Lipid Metabolism in Dairy Cows. Journal of Animal Science, 96: 2646-2658. 2018.

Kang, S., Suzuki, R., Suzuki, Y. Koike, S., Nagashima, K. Kobayashi, Y. Rumen responses to dietary supplementation with cashew nut shell liquid and its cessation in sheep.Animal Science Journal, 89:1549-1555. 2018.

Watabe, Y., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Shimamoto, S., Kobayashi, Y. Cellulose acetate, a new candidate feed supplement for ruminant animals: In vitro evaluations.Journal of Dairy Science, 101:10929-10938. 2018.

Seshadri, R., Leahy, S.C., Attwood, G.T., The, K.H., Lambie, S.C., Cookson, A.L., Eloe-Fadrosh, E.A., Pavlopoulos, G.A., Hadjithomas, M,. Varghese, N.J., Paez-Espino, D.; Hungate1000 project collaborators, Perry, R., Henderson, G., Creevey, C.J., Terrapon, N., Lapebie, P., Drula, E., Lombard, V., Rubin, E., Kyrpides, N,C,, Henrissat, B., Woyke, T., Ivanova, N.N., Kelly, W.J..Cultivation and sequencing of rumen microbiome members from the Hungate1000 Collection. Nature Biotechnology, 36:359-367. 2018.



中光大輔・小池聡・鈴木裕・小林泰男.黒毛和種ルーメン由来新規デンプン分解菌の増殖因子の探索.日本畜産学会第124回大会.東京大学 弥生キャンパス.2018年3月28日-30日.(講演要旨 P125. I29-02).



Miura, H., Koike, S., Mukai, K., Suzuki, Y., Kobayashi, Y. Evaluation of trehalose as a functional material to improve gut health in preweaned calves. Rowett-INRA 2018 Gut Microbiology, Aberdeen, UK. Jun 11-14. 2018. (Poster).

Kobayashi, R., Nagaoka, K., Nishimura, N., Koike, S., Takahashi, E., Niimi, K., Murase, H., Kinjo, T., Inoue, R. Meta-analysis of gastrointestinal microbiota in 8 different animal species. Rowett-INRA 2018 Gut Microbiology, Aberdeen, UK. Jun 11-14. 2018. (Poster).

Suzuki. Y., Kubota. K., Miura. H., Haga. S., Roh. S., Koike. S., Kobayashi. Y. The effect of chemerin as a host-derived factor on intestinal microbial activity in calves. 2018 ASAS-CSAS, Vancouver, Canada. July 8-12. 2018. (Oral)

Watabe, Y., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Shimamoto, S., Kobayashi, Y. Enhancement of ruminal acetate production by supplementing cellulose acetate, a new feed additive candidate. 10th International Symposium on Nutrition of Herbivores, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Sep. 2-6. 2018. (Poster).


小林泰男 ルーメン発酵の調節:ルーメン微生物の重要性.養牛セミナー(ミヤリサン製薬).岡山コンベンションセンター.2018年6月9日.

Koike, S. Effect of dietary condition on development of rumen microbiota in new born calves. The 2nd International Symposium on Young Ruminant Rearing Beijig, China October 22, 2018.