

Shinkai, T. and Kobayashi, Y. Localization of ruminal cellulolytic bacteria on plant fibrous materials as determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization and real-time PCR. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 73:1646-1652. 2007.

Koike, S., H. Yabuki and Y. Kobayashi. Validation and application of real-time PCR polymerase chain reaction assays for representative rumen bacteria. Animal Science Journal, 78:135-141. 2007.

Kobayashi, Y. and H.B.I.El-Sawy. Year-round monitoring of verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli from feces of dairy cattle. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 20: 789-794. 2007

Kozakai, K., T.Nakamura, Y.Kobayashi, T.Tanigawa, I.Osaka, S.Kawamoto and S.Hara. Effect of mechanical processing of corn silage on in vitro ruminal fermentation, in situ bacterial colonization and dry matter degradation. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87:259-267. 2007.

Shinkai, T., N.Matsumoto and Y.Kobayashi. Ecological characterization of three different phylogenetic groups belonging to the cellulolytic bacterial species Fibrobacter succinogenes in the rumen. Animal Science Journal, 78:503-511. 2007.

Yabuuchi, Y., M.Tani,Y.Matsushita, H.Otsuka and Y.Kobayashi. Effects of lauric acid on physical, chemical and microbial characteristics in the rumen of steers on a high-grain diet. Animal Science Journal, 78:387-394. 2007.

Sung, H. G., Y. Kobayashi, J. S. Chang and J. K. Ha. Low ruminal pH reduces dietary fiber digestion via reduced microbial attachment. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science. 20:200-207. 2007.

Koike S., I. G. Krapac, H. D. Oliver, A. C. Yannarell, J. C. Chee-Sanford, R. I. Aminov, and R. I. Mackie. Monitoring and source tracking analysis of tetracycline resistance genes in lagoons and groundwater adjacent to swine production facilities over a 3-year period. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 73: 4813-4823. 2007



山野秀尚・高津一朗・沢辺佳彦・鈴木正嗣・小林泰男. 洞爺湖中島に生息する野生エゾシカのルーメン発酵と細菌叢の季節変動.栄養生理研究会報. 51:88-89.2007

山野秀尚・高津一朗・沢辺佳彦・鈴木正嗣・小林泰男. 洞爺湖中島に生息する野生エゾシカのルーメン発酵と細菌叢の季節変動.  第107回日本畜産学会大会. 麻布大学. 2007年3月27-29日(講演要旨p.23).

中村哲士・小池 聡・谷川珠子・小林泰男. 破砕とうもろこしサイレージに付着するルーメン細菌群の解析. 第107回日本畜産学会大会. 麻布大学. 2007年3月27-29日(講演要旨p.25).

後藤秀俊・矢吹博芳・真貝拓三・小池 聡・小林泰男. 未培養ルーメン細菌群U2の分離・培養化.  第107回日本畜産学会大会. 麻布大学. 2007年3月27-29日(講演要旨p.25).

鈴木亮・小池聡・小林泰男. ルーメン発酵に及ぼすビオチンの影響:予報. 第62回北海道畜産学会大会. 帯広畜産大学. 2007年9月5-6日 (講演要旨p.35).

竹田将悠規・小池聡・小林泰男. ルーメン内繊維片に付着する未知細菌の分離・培養化. 第62回北海道畜産学会大会. 帯広畜産大学. 2007年9月5-6日 (講演要旨p.35).


Koike, S, H. Goto, H. Yabuki, T. Shinkai and Y. Kobayashi. Isolation and partial characterization of an uncultured fiber-associated bacterium from sheep rumen. 2007 Conference on Gastrointestinal Function. p.41. Chicago, USA, April 16-18. 2007. (Poster)

Koike, S., A. Yannarell, I. G. Krapac, H. D. Oliver, J. C. Chee-Sanford, R. I. Aminov, and R. I. Mackie. Monitoring and source tracking of tetracycline resistance genes in lagoons and groundwater underlying swine production facilities. 2007 Conference on Gastrointestinal Function. p.35. Chicago, USA, April 16-18. 2007. (Poster)

Kobayashi, Y. Quantitative detection and isolation of uncultured rumen bacteria that are associated with fiber. 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology. Domžale, Slovenia. June 21-24. 2007. (Oral)

Suzuki, R., S. Koike and Y. Kobayashi. Influence of biotin on rumen fermentation: preliminary evaluations. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.13. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)

Ueki, T., T. Shinkai, S. Koike and Y. Kobayashi. Analysis of rumen fibrolytic bacterial consortia developed on plant fragment. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.22. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)

Takeda, M., S. Koike and Y. Kobayashi. Exploration of fiber-attaching rumen bacteria phylogenetically affiliated with undescribed groups. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.26. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)

Koike, S., K. Sakai, H. Goto, Y. Handa, E. Miyagawa and Y. Kobayashi. Characterization of previously uncultured fiber-attaching bacteria isolated from the rumen. The 6th Joint Symposium of Japan-Korea-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. p.29. Hangzho, China, September 12-15. 2007. (Oral)


Kobayashi, Y. Importance of Fibrobacter succinogenes in rumen fiber digestion revealed by ecological and physiological characterization. 5th International Symposium on Anaerobic Microbiology. Domžale, Slovenia. June 21-24. 2007. (Oral)