- 2021/2/22 北海道大学/小林泰男
Growth and morphological response of rumen methanogenic archaea and bacteria to cashew nut shell liquid and its componential alkyl-phenols.
【備考】Animal Science Journal, 92: e13598.
- 2021/3/26 北海道大学/小林泰男
Feeding cashew nut shell liquid decreases methane production from feces by altering fecal bacterial and archaeal communities in Thai local ruminants.
【備考】Animal Science Journal, 92: e13569.
- 2021/3/31 物質材料研究機構/一ノ瀬泉
Laplace Pressure-induced Penetration Control of PET Non-woven Fabrics and the Application to PES Asymmetric Membranes
【備考】Membrane, 46: 161-165. 2021.
- 2021/6/4 北海道大学/小林泰男
Addition of ginkgo fruit to cattle feces and slurry suppresses methane production by altering the microbial community structure.
【備考】Animal Science Journal (accepted)
- 2021/6/11 北海道大学/小林泰男
Cashew nut shell liquid potentially mitigates methane emission from the feces of Thai native ruminant livestock by modifying fecal microbiota
【備考】Animal Science Journal (accepted)
- 2021/7/8 農研機構/真貝拓三
Prevotella lacticifex sp. nov., isolated from rumen of cow
【内容】牛のルーメンから分離された新規細菌種Prevotella lacticifex
【備考】International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology
- 2023/9/18 北海道大学/小林泰男
Batch culture analysis to identify potent organic acids for suppressing ruminal methane production
【備考】Animal Science Journal, 94: e13873. https://doi.org/10.1111/asj.13873
- 2021/5/26 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構/真貝拓三