

Oh, S., Suzuki, Y., Hayashi. S., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Potency of cashew nut shell liquid in rumen modulation under different dietary conditions and indication of its surfactant action against rumen bacteria. Journal of Animal Science and Technology 59: 27. 2017. (Open Access)

Myint, H., Kishi, H., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Effect of chickpea husk dietary supplementation on blood and cecal parameters in rats. Animal Science Journal, 88: 372-378. 2017.

Myint, H., Iwahashi, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Effect of soybean husk supplementation on the fecal fermentation metabolites and microbiota of dogs. Animal Science Journal, 88: 1730-1736. 2017. 

Oh, S., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Effect of ginkgo extract supplementation on in vitro rumen fermentation and bacterial profiles under different dietary conditions. Animal Science Journal, 88: 1737-1743. 2017.

Weimar, M.R., Cheung, J., Dey, D., McSweeney, C., Morrison, M., Kobayashi, Y., Whitman, W.B., Carbone, V., Schofield, L.R., Ronimus, R.S., Cook, G.M. Development of multiwell-plate methods using pure cultures of methanogens to identify new inhibitors for suppressing ruminant methane emissions. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83: e00396-17. 2017.

Oh, S., Shintani, R., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Ginkgo fruit extract as an additive to modify rumen microbiota and fermentation and to mitigate methane production. Journal of Dairy Science, 100: 1923-1934. 2017.

Myint, H., Kishi, H., Iwahashi, Y., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Bean husk, an agricultural by-product having functionality in animal nutrition and health. 栄養生理研究会報Vol. 61, No2 13-19. 2017.

Oh, S., Suzuki Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Potency of ginkgo fruit for modulation of rumen microbiota and fermentation. 栄養生理研究会報Vol. 61, No2 33-41. 2017.

Takahashi, H., Suzuki, Y., Gotoh, T., Mohamed, J., Alway, S. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate increases autophagy signaling in resting and unloaded plantaris muscles but selectively suppresses autophagy protein abundance in reloaded muscles of aged rats. Experimental Gerontology, 92: 56-66. 2017.

芳賀 聡,中野 美和,宮地 慎,石崎 宏,松山 裕城,鈴木 裕,北山 峻,小林 洋介,加藤 和雄,盧 尚建.ウシ組織におけるα-トコフェロール体内動態関連遺伝子の発現特性に関する研究.栄養生理研究会報 Vol. 61, No1 9-19. 2017.

Nishihara K, Kobayashi R, Suzuki Y, Sato K, Katoh K, Roh S. Post-prandial decrease in plasma growth hormone levels is not related to the increase in plasma insulin levels in goats. Asian-Australas Journal of Anim Sciences. 30: 1696-1701. 2017.

小池聡 新生子牛の成長に伴うルーメン機能発達と細菌叢形成. 臨床獣医. 35, 10-13. 2017.

Satoshi Koike, Roderick Mackie and Rustam Aminov. Agricultural use of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. In: Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Natural Environments and Long-Term Effects (Salvador Mirete and Marcos López Pérez Eds), Nova Science Publishers, 217-250. 2017.

Saegusa, A., Inouchi, K., Ueno, M., Inabu, Y., Koike, S., Sugino, T., Oba, M. Effects of partial replacement of corn grain with lactose in calf starters on ruminal fermentation and growth performance. Journal of Dairy Science 100: 6177-6186. 2017.

Inabu, Y., Saegusa, A., Inouchi, Koike, S., Oba, M., Sugino, T. Plasma concentrations of glucagon-like peptide 1 and 2 in calves fed calf starters containing lactose. Journal of Dairy Science 100: 9361-9371. 2017.



小林 泰男. ルーメンの代謝障害:緒論.第50回ルーメン研究会シンポジウム「ルーメンの健全性とウシの安定高生産との関連」.神戸大学国際文化学部.2017年3月27日.

三浦広卓・小池聡・鈴木裕・向井和久・小林泰男.トレハロース給与が哺乳子牛の腸内環境に与える影響.日本畜産学会第122回大会.神戸大学 鶴甲第1キャンパス.2017年3月28日-30日.(講演要旨P130. Ⅱ29-07).

渡部結人・今川達也・小池聡・島本周・小林泰男.水溶性酢酸セルロース給与が緬羊のルーメン発酵と微生物相に及ぼす影響.日本畜産学会第122回大会.神戸大学 鶴甲第1キャンパス.2017年3月28日-30日.(講演要旨P135. Ⅱ29-28).

小池聡・秋山瑤子・鈴木裕・小林泰男.黒毛和種牛から分離したデンプン分解性ルーメン細菌の特性評価.日本畜産学会第123回大会.信州大学 伊那キャンパス.2017年9月6日-7日.(講演要旨P78. Ⅱ07-05).

小林泰男・Phoompong Boonsaen・金城円花・Suriya Sawanon・鈴木裕・小池聡.沼沢水牛ルーメンから分離した繊維分解菌Ruminococcus flavefaciensの系統、生態および機能.日本畜産学会第123回大会.信州大学 伊那キャンパス.2017年9月6日−7日.(講演要旨P78. Ⅱ07-06).

Myint, H., Kishi, H., Iwahashi, Y., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Bean husk, an agricultural by-product having functionality in animal nutrition and health. 平成29年度栄養生理研究会秋季集談会.信州大学伊那キャンパス.2017年9月8日.(講演要旨P13-19).

Oh, S., Suzuki Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Potency of ginkgo fruit for modulation of rumen microbiota and fermentation. 平成29年度栄養生理研究会秋季集談会.信州大学伊那キャンパス.2017年9月8日.(講演要旨P33-41).

橋本拓弥・遠藤哲代・糟谷広高・小池聡・小林泰男.黒毛和種牛へのコーンサイレージ給与が肥育期のルーメン発酵および細菌叢に及ぼす影響.北海道草地畜産学会第6回大会.道総研畜産試験場.2017年9月10日-12日(講演要旨P23). 優秀発表賞.

金城円花・Phoonpong Boonsaen・Suriya Sawanon・鈴木裕・小池聡・小林泰男.水牛ルーメン由来繊維分解性細菌Ruminococcus flavefaciens OS14株の機能および生態.北海道草地畜産学会第6回大会.道総研畜産試験場.2017年9月10日-12日(講演要旨P27)


Watabe, Y., Imagawa, T., Koike, S., Suzuki, Y., Shimamoto, S., Kobayashi, Y. Use of cellulose acetate as a feed additive candidate for ruminants. 11th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. Centrair Hall, Aichi. Oct. 26-27. 2017.

Shintani, R., Oh, S., Suzuki, Y., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Mitigation of methane emission from feces an slurry of Holstein cattle by applying ginkgo fruit: in vitro study. 11th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. Centrair Hall, Aichi. Oct. 26-27. 2017.

Murazumi, Y., Taketa, H., Fukuma, N., Koike, S., Inamura, Y., Yamano, M., Aizawa, T., Suzuki, Y., Kobayashi, Y. Utilization of saccharides by non-fibrolytic ruminal bacteria constituting a fibrolytic consortium. 11th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. Centrair Hall, Aichi. Oct. 26-27. 2017. Best Oral Presentation Award

Miura, H., Koike, S., Mukai, K., Suzuki, Y., Kobayashi, Y. Influence of trehalose feeding on fecal microbiota in preweaned calves. 11th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. Centrair Hall, Aichi. Oct. 26-27. 2017.

Myint, H., Kishi, H., Iwahashi, Y., Saburi, W., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Functional properties of lalab bean husk and soybean husk in hindgut fermentation and microbiota of rats. Congress on Gastrointestinal Function, Apr.10-12, 2017, Chicago, USA. James Russell Award

Suzuki Y, Roh S, Hayashi H, Koike S, Kobayashi Y. Chemerin is present in intestinal epithelia of calves with a potential role in barrier function. Congress on Gastrointestinal Function. Chicago(米国), 2017年4月11日, 一般講演(口頭発表)

Koike S, Akiyama Y, Hashimoto T, Inoue R, Endo T, Suzuki Y, Kobayashi Y. Isolation and partial characterization of starch degrading bacteria belonging to core phylotypes of rumen microbiota in Japanese Black cattle. Congress on Gastrointestinal Function. Chicago(米国), 2017年4月11日, 一般講演(ポスター発表)

Nishihara K, Suzuki Y, Haga S, Kim D, Roh S. Rumen epithelial cells as a source of inflammatory cytokines. The 11th Joint Symposium of Korea-Japan-China on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology. Nagoya(日本), 2017年10月26日, 一般講演(口頭発表)


Kobayashi, Y. New feed additives for mitigating methane from ruminant livestock. JIRCAS-NARO International Symposium on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation. Epocal Tsukuba, Tsukuba. Aug. 31. 2017.

小林泰男.家畜の生産性向上と環境負荷低減をはかるルーメン発酵制御. 科学飼料協会第451回月例研究会.馬事会館.東京.2017年11月13日