

Fukuma, N., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Monitoring of gene expression in Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 under the co-culture with non-fibrolytic ruminal bacteria. Archives of Microbiology, 197: 269-276. 2015.

小池聡 肉牛の第一胃内微生物群.「肉用牛の科学」. 入江正和, 木村信煕監修, 養賢堂, 104-106. 2015.



秋山 瑤子・小池 聡・小林 泰男.黒毛和種牛ルーメンからの新規細菌の分離培養.日本畜産学会第119回大会.宇都宮大.2015年3月28日‐30日.(講演要旨P135. Ⅱ28-01)

上野 真知帆・小池 聡・佐藤 光美・高橋 政俊・横谷 俊英・河野 晴子・芦田 延久・小林 泰男・今林 寛和.黒毛和種新生子牛の哺乳期におけるルーメン細菌叢変化.日本畜産学会第119回大会.宇都宮大.2015年3月28日‐30日.(講演要旨P135. Ⅱ28-02)

小池 聡・上野 真知帆・佐藤 光美・高橋 政俊・横谷 俊英・河野 晴子・芦田 延久・小林 泰男・今林 寛和.枯草菌の給与が黒毛和種新生子牛のルーメン細菌叢形成に与える影響.日本畜産学会第119回大会.宇都宮大学 峰キャンパス.2015年3月28日−30日.(講演要旨P135. Ⅱ28-03)



Kamiyama, S. Effect of cashew nut shell liquid feeding on rumen fermentation of Thai native cattle and swamp buffaloes. Bilateral Seminar, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Jan. 21-23, 2015 (Oral).

Akiyama, Y. Isolation of previously uncultured bacteria from rumen of Japanese Black cattle. Bilateral Seminar, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Jan. 21-23, 2015 (Oral).

Sakanaka, Y. Effect of cashew nut shell liquid feeding on methane mitigation and rumen microbes in lactating Holstein cows. Bilateral Seminar, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Jan. 21-23, 2015 (Oral).

Fukuma, N., Koike, S., Kobayashi、Y. Transcriptome analysis of Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 in co-culture with nonfibrolytic ruminal bacteria. 2015 Congress on Gastrointestinal function. Chicago, USA. Apr 13-15, 2015 (oral)

坂中 優介.Effect of Cashew Nut Shell Liquid Feeding on Methane Mitigation and Rumen microbes in Lactating Holstein Cows. 北海道大学-復旦大学交流デー.復旦大学,中国.2015年3月29日‐31日 (poster).

Oh, S., Koike S., Kobayashi, Y. Ginkgo fruit extract as a rumen modifier for ruminant animals. 10th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, Suncheon, Korea, Aug. 3-6, 2015. (Best oral presentation award).

Ueno, M., Koike, S., Sato, M., Takahashi, M., Yokoya, T., Kono, H., Ashida, N., Kobayashi, Y., Imabayashi, T. Exploration of rumen microbiota in Japanese Black calves from birth to weaning. 10th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, Suncheon, Korea, Aug. 3-6, 2015 (Oral).

Sakanaka, Y., Kobayashi, Y., Koike, S., Enishi, O., Shinkai, T., Mitsumori, M., Higuchi, K., Kobayashi, Y., Tekenaka, A., Nagashima, K. Effect of cashew nut shell liquid feeding on rumen fermentation in dry and lactating Holstein cows. 10th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, Suncheon, Korea, Aug. 3-6, 2015 (Poster).

Kishi, H., Iwahashi, Y., Myint, H., Koike, S., Kobayashi, Y. Influence of bean husk feeding on hindgut fermentation and microbes in rats. 10th Joint Symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, Suncheon, Korea, Aug. 3-6, 2015 (Poster).

